Thursday, October 16, 2008


As I sat at my computer trying to do a bit of work and also listening to the third and final Presidential debate I just had to get a few things out.

Negative Campaigning. Maybe I am misinterpreting the idea but there is a difference between attacking someone's policies and then using racism and lies to attack the person in order to rally your base. I have not once, in these 21 months or so, seen an ad or speech from Obama that characterizes McCain as anything other than George Bush...which is pretty f-ing bad. But he doesn't attack him personally. McCain wants apologies and repudiation from Obama for t-shirts that people where wearing at his speeches, words from other people not even involved with his campaign, or ads that attacked his policies. Cheers to Obama for not getting sucked in to that mire of crappy politics. Jeers to McCain for letting it go on for too long in his campaign as well as in the debate.

Calm, Cool and Collected. That described Obama. Frustrated, grumpy and off-point. That described McCain. You know you're on national television. Control yourself. I was told my my art director that I need to work on having better control of my reactions/emotions within internal meetings. And while I can understand anger and frustration, I don't want to see a presidential candidate to behaves like I do when those feelings arise.

Speechisms. I hate this Republican debate/speech tactic to try and personalize little bits of policy. "You betch-a" and "say it ain't so joe" and McCain's slightly off-color comments like "guess who will do it, this guy" and some little snarky thing he said last night. Grow the fuck up! I don't want a president to use coloquialisms. Nor do I want them to be cynical and sarcastic. This country does not need that right now. Good for Obama for not letting that get to him, in either of the last two debates.

A few last thoughts.

Governor Palin supports areal hunting of wolves and bears up in Alaska. There's a troubling video of this on YouTube. She offered something like $4,000 to each person who brought in the front leg/paw of a dead wolf and/or bear. I'm not sure why this is the case or what motive is behind this. But it is disturbing to see what seems to be a complete and total disregard for life. Which seems to contradict her dogmatic pro-life views.

James Carville still looks like an alien.

Palin understands families with special needs because she is retarded too.

McCain's new campaign direction and new "stump speech" is the same as is old direction and speeches, just with more eye rolling and sigh's.

Finally, I wonder if America's economy and DOW thrives on some sort of twisted schadenfreude. It seems as if there are little bouncebacks or "ups" for the DOW in the wake of extremely low points for the Hang Seng index and the Nekkei.

Any people out there who are undecided voters at this point are either racist or are incapable of understanding simple things like walking and eating. I'm not attacking reps or dems...I'm attacking idiots.