Monday, November 24, 2008

have you seen me lately

Obviously, for all of you (or just the singular general you) who read this, I've been absent for a while. My absence can be explained by the fact that I am busy, so get off my case!

I've been going to the DCTri club's swim clinic about every other weekend. It is Sunday evenings at AU up in Tenleytown. It was horrible the first time, but subsequently I've shown steady and continued imporvement and am no longer completely retarded and inept in the water. Over the past few sessions we've been beginning the class with sculling, which I actually find easier to grasp. However, there are movements which don't make sense to me, but I can feel them work. Other than the colder temperatures outside, this really crappy ear infection, and the sneezing fits after, I've been really enjoying this. It always helps to see and feel improvement.

I've also been continuing to train for an upcoming no gi jiu-jiutsu tournament being held at VIDA fitness at GalleryPlace. It is sanctioned and there will be people from other schools coming. I have no idea how I will do, but am very much looking forward to seeing how I might stack up against people who are training a bit more formally than I. One more week of practice and then it will be showtime!

Do to a crazy schedule of being slightly under the weather, freelance work, concerts/shows, and AIGA events, I haven't been to the gym as often as I'd prefer. But actually having a life and being able to live it far outweighs the fun of the gym.

I've also been promoted at my place of work. This position wasn't available or even an option, but I strongly requested that we restructure the department in such a way as to allow this promotion as I've been here for over three years now. So, kudos to me and my new title.

It's funny to think about how much people have grown...or as I know myself the best, to think about how much I have grown or changed. A year ago, I was very heartbroken and lonely. I took up running to occupy myself and run this person out of my heart and mind. I also have the need to prove myself (to myself) that I can do things, especially those of a physical nature, that I couldn't do before or never thought I could. Running has been a gateway activity leading me towards training for a triathlon, performing better in kendo. Taking some time off from kendo has lead me to finding a great MMA and BJJ program, which in turn has strengthened my actual kendo.
I have also met a really wonderful girl. While people don't replace others, she has filled the void, and shown me what it's like to be with someone who actually cares about me and is a nice person. My freelance work has really started to blossom. So much so, that I am having to consider putting people on a waiting list. This has also enabled the ultimate and achievable goal of being credit card debt free by early next year (2009). I feel like my life has changed considerably and am looking forward to see what happens this coming year. Oh yeah...and I also got an iPhone.