Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You Look Nice Today

In the midst of writing some on-going blogs I've been meaning to post this. Two weekends ago I had a really great Saturday. Or, extra great since I tend to see the girl every weekend. On said Saturday I decided to take all two of the MMA classes offered. The first class (hour) is muay thai. The second class (hour) is BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

I've been feeling more comfortable (except for the latest two classes) with my standup game and this class proved to be no exception. I've been moving a little more effortlessly and have been getting the hang of the footwork. Additionally, on that day I had my first sparring session in the BJJ class, which is incredibly fun and exhausting.

So, after really enjoying both of these classes and seeming to do well I started to ride home. I rode up 7th Street to make a left onto L or K St. Whichever street has the historic library. I was riding past and saw people doing capoeira in front of the library. I immediately stopped since I have never actually seen people do this other than in the movies (Only the Strong).I parked my bike only to find that the Brazilian Embassy has sponsored a cultural event in front of the library where they had schools and instructors and students from all over performing this Afro-Cuban martial art. They had some of the older guys playing the music (the berimbau and the pandeiro) and the players in and around the roda. They were all ages and colors and sexes (or at least all two). They went slowly at first and as it progressed various people decided to speed up along with the music. It was amazing to see people move like that. They all had a smile on their face and seemed to genuinely be enjoying themselves. I wanted to try it and had heard rumor of there being a workshop. However, not having eaten yet that day and the time fastly approaching 4pm, I decided to leave and eat.

It made for a very enjoyable day and I am very happy to have seen that. Here are some pictures.

1 comment:

D. Paul said...

Capoeira kicks ass, man. It's a beautiful art to watch. Man, I'm envious. You just don't stumble upon that sort of thing in Shamokin. Usually I just run into the town crazy who tells me he wishes I were dead, right before pulling his pants down. Sigh.