Monday, June 30, 2008

Puppy Mills-Call to Action

Anyone who reads this...which probably isn't that many, please note that a large puppy mill was busted recently in Tennessee. 20 of those dogs were brought to the Georgia Avenue shelter in Washington DC/Maryland to be evaluated and hopefully rehabilitated. Also, please note that space is always an issue for these places and it is important to adopt a dog instead of buying one at a store (which surprisingly may get these dogs from puppy mills).

Here are a few links to the related story and puppy mills in general. If this brings a tear to your eyes, then good. Use that sadness and anger to help.
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Best Friends Network

info on puppy mills

There are plenty of ways to help even if you can't adopt a dog. You can foster a dog (or cat) which also makes room in the shelter for dogs such as these and also makes a difference in the life of a great adoptable dog! You can donate supplies to the WHS or any other local Humane Society. With such an influx of animals they need all the bedding, towels, and/or dog crates.

To learn more about the WHS, please go to their website:

Please help. We've domesticated these creatures making them dependent on us and then this is how we treat them? They deserve better.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Wolves (Act 1 & 2)

After shopping for new jobs online and seeing jobs listed in Dublin, Chicago and Alabama, I think I am ready for a change. The idea, or fantasy, of moving somewhere else for a dream job and meeting new people feels optimistic and romantic. It might have something to do with how I view my current situation: a shit job, no girlfriend, no money. The good stuff is that I volunteer with the Humane Society, work out at an awesome gym, and have a few good friends. But these pro's seem to me to be things that can travel with me and are not mutually exclusive to Washington DC. There is a humane society in ever city (fortunately or unfortunately..however you look at it). There are gyms everywhere. My friends are and will be my friends no matter where I travel.

As for training, I started to realize that seeing while my head is in the water is fairly important and a good purchase will be goggles. After 15-20 minutes of swimming and stopping, I got a crippling calf cramp, causing me to finish my workout session. Luckily, this week I've made it to a cycling class almost every day and have tried a few other new classes like pilates and budokon. I have a long run with a friend tomorrow (sunday) so I'm looking forward to doing that.

The idea that just came to me is that it seems kinda stupid to keep a blog when I feel my life is boring. Ah're reading it ;)

Here is a brief list of what I'm listening to:
The Hold Steady - Stay Positive
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever
My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yet another blog

I had grand attempts at starting a DC-design-centric blog that resulted in one lonely post. I love design and being in the community, but I just didn't know what to write that others would be interested in.

So, rather than writing for others, I am writing for myself. I tried this blogging thing a few years back which resulted in a lengthy rant showing the world how depressed I was. I'm hoping to move past the journal format and on to my impressions of the world around me and my observations of random things that I encounter.

Here is a little bit about me and also what some of the future postings may be about.
I am a graphic designer. I am not happy where I currently work and want desperately to find a more creative environment. After being inspired by my sister I am beginning training for my first triathlon. No specific tri has been registered for as I don't have a good road bike. Once I have that I will find a tri and register for it. Without a bike, it would make for a very difficult experience. I am also training for a half marathon. I ran my first 10 mile race a few months back. These athletic aspirations are just as much of a surprise to me as they might be to people who know/knew me. I am also single...eternally single it seems. I will attempt to keep this blog from becoming an essay on how lonely I am, but fear it may slip in from time to time.
I love music and art and attempt to make both. I also really like tattoos. I have some, but hope to have more in the near future.

That is all for now.