Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yet another blog

I had grand attempts at starting a DC-design-centric blog that resulted in one lonely post. I love design and being in the community, but I just didn't know what to write that others would be interested in.

So, rather than writing for others, I am writing for myself. I tried this blogging thing a few years back which resulted in a lengthy rant showing the world how depressed I was. I'm hoping to move past the journal format and on to my impressions of the world around me and my observations of random things that I encounter.

Here is a little bit about me and also what some of the future postings may be about.
I am a graphic designer. I am not happy where I currently work and want desperately to find a more creative environment. After being inspired by my sister I am beginning training for my first triathlon. No specific tri has been registered for as I don't have a good road bike. Once I have that I will find a tri and register for it. Without a bike, it would make for a very difficult experience. I am also training for a half marathon. I ran my first 10 mile race a few months back. These athletic aspirations are just as much of a surprise to me as they might be to people who know/knew me. I am also single...eternally single it seems. I will attempt to keep this blog from becoming an essay on how lonely I am, but fear it may slip in from time to time.
I love music and art and attempt to make both. I also really like tattoos. I have some, but hope to have more in the near future.

That is all for now.

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